Specialists in DC can motors for American Flyer trains
We are located in Yerington, Nevada
S-'n-S specializes in updating old American Flyer locomotives with modern can motors that run on AC or DC, sound units, electronic controls, and cosmetic restorations since 1999.
We have can motors for Steamers, Diesels, and Smoke in tender units. We also do those difficult repairs that some can't.
Our modern shop is new as of June 2022 and has all the tools, equipment and parts for the jobs.
All prices have been updated as of June, 2022.
Some areas are of this web site are still in progress, but most of what you may need is here.
Use the menu at the left to navigate.
Phone us at 775-344-8242 10 AM to 8 PM Pacific time Mon-Sat.
Check out the Mikado below
2-8-2 Mikado (Big Mike) at Boise Train Depot
Special thanks to S-Gauger Carey Probst of Lock Haven Pennsylvania for setting up this web site for us. Kudos to Carey!